EU Accessibility Act Guide
Our platform is ideal for organizations that aim to improve their ESG profile and comply with the European Accessibility Act (2019/882/EU). In Greece the directive been transposed to the national legislation with Law 4994/2024. Below you can find the key points of the legislation.

Purpose of the Law
Incorporation of the European Directive 2019/882 on the accessibility of products and services.
- Electronic devices (computers, smartphones, e-readers)
- Self-service terminals (ATMs, ticket machines)
- Electronic communications services
- Audiovisual media services
- Transportation services
- Banking services for consumers
- E-books
- E-commerce services
Basic requirements
- Accessible information on the use of products and services
- Accessible user interfaces and functional design
- Support services (help desks, call centers)
Special provisions
- Subtitles for the deaf and hard of hearing (we cover it)
- Audio description for the visually impaired (we can support this in special cases)
- Sign language interpretation (we cover it)
- Small businesses that provide services
- Cases where compliance would impose a disproportionate burden
- Start of application: June 28, 2025
- Transition period for some services until 2030
Supervision and control
- Designation of competent authorities for market supervision
- Compliance control procedures
- Provision for administrative sanctions in case of non-compliance
- The amount and nature of the penalties will be determined by ministerial decisions
Consumer rights
- Strengthening the rights of consumers with disabilities
- Possibility of complaint in case of non-compliance
Continuous improvement
- Provision for regular review and updating of requirements
Become inclusive and accessible to all